Costa Rica leaves the beaches open longer. Tourism Minister Gustavo Segura has now announced that the country’s beaches will remain open from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends from October 15.
Costa Rica: Sunsets on the beach allowed again
The opening hours coincide with the night-time driving bans(more:–2537).
According to Segura, visitors to the beaches had behaved well and had not become a focus of infection.
Around 4,500 bars and casinos in the country have been allowed to reopen their doors since October 8, subject to strict hygiene regulations: Karaoke, dancing and live music are prohibited, a maximum of 4 people are allowed to sit at the tables and the bar and counter must be separated by a protective barrier.
Casinos must regularly disinfect slot machines and set up their machines at a distance of 1.8 meters. The serving of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
As of October 15, Costa Rica will allow flights from all over Central America.
In 2019, 145,000 visitors from Central America traveled to Costa Rica, mainly business people from Guatemala, El Salvador and Panama, who often extend their stay to visit the country’s natural beauty and beaches.
This means that citizens and residents from six Central American countries, Mexico, the United States, Canada, Uruguay, the European Union, the United Kingdom and several Asian nations can now visit the country.
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